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Wow! I'm on the web...

by Johnny


Cheers guys! Who ARE you? And how did you come up with such a cool idea?

I'm so happy that you're making room on the internet for fans of Glasgow. Like me.

When I read your "just a couple of clicks" stuff, I thought there had to be more to it than that. But there isn't.

My posts are out there, and I LOVE it. I thought I'd try passing them off as my own work. I mean the techy bits. But I've shown some friends, and they already know that you guys do all the clever stuff behind the scenes...

They're all planning to launch their own pages too, with your kind help, of course.

You guys rock!


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Pipers in Glasgow - in kilts!
by: Anonymous

Hey there

Rod here - back in the States after passing through Glasgow in the summer. There were pipers everywhere and I snapped a few... turns out there was a piping festival going on.

Friends here think that was awesome. Now I can add my pics to the web and let the whole world see them.

Thank you very much, Top Secret guys!


Goin' 4 it...
by: Alison g

Well done, Johnny.

Think I'll give it a go... There is so much going on in Glasgow, and I often feel like SHOUTING about it...

The Merchant City Festival was fun this year, and I took some good shots.

Think its time to publish myself... keep a look out for my stuff...


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