Tapas Among The Office Blocks...
by Mark
(Glasgow South Side)
Top Secret Glasgow reviewed TaPaell'Ya and I decided to give them a try based on a glowing recommendation. I have to thank the Agent who decided TaPaell'Ya made your grade, 'cos I agree.
The odd thing is that I must have driven right past it dozens of times, and I'd never noticed it. I guess I thought it was all office buildings once you reach the back of the Radisson Hotel. How wrong could I be?
The tapas is as good as my other favourite, Cafe Andaluz in the west end, but there is something extre special about this restaurant.
They've gone for a chic look that doesn't say "warm, cosy family eating" the way other tapas places have. Instead you get cool chic black, white and scarlet. It works well.
And it really IS just round the corner from all the buzz of the city centre. Thanks again. I hope I am an obvious fan! That's exactly how I feel...