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my-pageGrabbing Your Own Web Page
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my-page - the easiest way ever to grab your tiny piece of the web.
It's easy - pop in some text, add an image (if you fancy?), and you're done!
No puzzling with weird tools, no boring tagging, no profile to set-up.
This is grabbing your own web page the easiest way ever! - so set-up your first my-page now
"What can I do with my-page?..."

- pop up a fan page! - for some tiny bit of Glasgow you love... a place, event, street, area, person, whatever...
- put on a show! - maybe a gallery of your fav Glasgow pics? maybe a video or two - your own or from YouTube?...
- reveal a secret! - have you got the low-down on something?... big or small... spill! tell the world with a couple of clicks...
- tell a story! - best night out ever?... big celebration?... or a crazy thing happened on the way to the theatre yesterday?... so, share it...
ready?... set-up your first my-page now
"But I've tried blogs before and I couldn't keep it going..."

- my-page is micro-blogging - easy and fun!
- Blogs and blogging are great - but not for everyone.
- my-page gets you online just when you want to - no pressure to keep posting again and again (or else look silly with an empty blog!)
All That Jazz
(about Merchant City Festival)
Sisterly Love
(about The Sisters Restaurant, Jordanhill)
American Pals Loving Blas
(about Blas Restaurant, West End)
ready?... set-up your first my-page micro-blog now
"But I've tried photo-sharing and forgot to add stuff to my albums..."
- my-page is a mini-album - so mini you only need one pic!
- A picture paints a thousand words, so they say - so just pop up one and let it do your talking for you
- Or pop in just a caption and it's ready to share
Fishy Tale To Tell
(about Two Fat Ladies at the Buttery, West End)
Alice in La-La-Land
(about Alice and Alice at Merchant City Festival)
Smile for the Camera, Sweetpeas
(about West End Festival)
ready?... set-up your first my-page mini-album now
"But I've set-up personal profiles before and I don't really log-in much"
- my-page needs no profile - no fuss - no muss > a "mini-me" if you like!?
- Just share little bits of yourself, enough to tell your story
- No username - no password - no hassle
Too Many Beer Brands To Count
(about Pivo Pivo, City Centre)
I'm Such a Baby Grand Fan
(about Baby Grand, Charing Cross)
Passing Myself Off as a Local Expert
(about Two Fat Ladies at the Buttery, West End)
ready?... set-up your first my-page "mini-me" now
"But I don't have much to say anyway..."
- cool - not many do - but you have something to say? - even a couple of lines? Great! - more than enough to start your first my-page
- It takes about a minute... 60 seconds... and it's done - your very own (first?) page on the web...Then share it and watch people come and join in... my-page makes it easy to add their own comments, even award you top secret hearts...
- You can join in too... adding you own comments, enjoying a conversation with visitors to your my-page
Fun on Rollers...
(about West End Festival)
Crepes and Crowds
(about French Market at Merchant City Festival)
Smile for the Camera, Sweetpeas
(about Mardi Gras Parade at the West End Festival)
ready?... set-up your first my-page one-liner now
"But surely it can't be that easy?..."
- But... it is. Just a few small boxes to jot in and a button to click...
ready?... set-up your first my-page now
"But who will see it without all that fancy stuff?..."

- my-page keeps it simple and easy - but has plenty of fancy stuff (under the bonnet)
- Your my-page auto-magically formats itself in a web-friendly way (yup, it even adds your tags!) then pings and boings off to Google... and all the other big search engines and online databases.
- And you can even ask for auto-updates when someone leaves you a message
- And for the techy among us, you have your very own URL (web page address) - and right at the top of our site... topsecretglasgow.com/my-page.html - not buried deep inside.
- So you can easily remember it, bookmark it, share it, email it to a friend... anything funky you can do with other web pages.
ready?... set-up your first my-page now
"Looking for even more ideas to create your first my-page?..."

Crafty Fun
(about Merchant City Festival)
Reasons to be Cheerful
(about Mr Smith Underwear and Swimwear, West End)
Perfect Secret Beer Garden
(about Chinaskis, West End)
Secret Hideaway
(about The Universal, City Centre)
Starry Eyed
(about Baby Grand Charing Cross)
Designer TLC Down There
(about Mr Smith Underwear and Swimwear, West End)
Working Out With Beers and Pizza!
(about Pivo Pivo, City Centre)
Looking After Granny
(about Blas, West End)
Impressing The Folks
(about The Sisters Restaurant, Jordanhill)
Quality Stays Constant
(about Babbity Bowster, Merchant City)
Tapas Among the Office Blocks
(about TaPaell'Ya, Financial District)
ready?... set-up your first my-page now
As you can see, loads of people in our friendly community have grabbed their first my-page already - they're quick and easy... and you can too... set-up your first my-page now
Do you have a special story to share? A funny experience? A grand occasion? A funky photo? A personal tip? A top secret?
Well… spill!...
(need some inspiration? OK - then check out great stories from a fellow visitor's my-page first...)
Your Great my-pages...
Click on the links below to see some great stories, tips and photos. They were all written by other visitors to this page, many their first ever my-page...
Wow! I'm on the web... 

Cheers guys! Who ARE you? And how did you come up with such a cool idea?
I'm so happy that you're making room on the internet for fans of …
Life Made Easy... 

This is all SO COOL guys.
I've wondered how easy it would be to tell anyone who's willing to read my stuff, about what I get up to in Glasgow...
Your Great my-pages...
Click on the links below to see some great stories, tips and photos. They were all written by other visitors to this page, many their first ever my-page...
Wow! I'm on the web...
Cheers guys! Who ARE you? And how did you come up with such a cool idea?
I'm so happy that you're making room on the internet for fans of …
Life Made Easy...
This is all SO COOL guys.
I've wondered how easy it would be to tell anyone who's willing to read my stuff, about what I get up to in Glasgow...

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Be a "Top Secret Glasgow VIP". We are always working on all sorts of new features... the most buzzing events... the "insiders" low-down... the key to the very best of Glasgow. We'll reveal top secrets that many locals don't even know about - often in the shadows of the classics. If you want to be first onto these new top secrets, then just use the simple form below to pass us your email address and first name. We'll be in touch... "confidentially"!

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...we live here ...we work here ...we love here