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Impressing the folks

by Sarah

My Mum has a passion for chicken liver pate! And fresh baked oatcakes. Don't ask me why, 'cos I've no idea. Then I heard that The Sisters make their own - pate AND oatcakes.

So I took Mum and Dad for dinner the last time they visited me in Glasgow (I'm from Perthshire). They were both bowled over. I suspected they would be. Mum even said she'd tasted the best chicken liver pate and oatcakes ever. Except her granny's, who NEVER gave away her recipes!

At the time, Dad said very little, because his face was full of chicken stuffed with haggis.

All in all, we had a wonderful meal at The Sisters Jordanhill. We sat inside, because Dad like to protect his wee bald bits from the sun!

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Top 2
by: Elspeth

I spotted those funny wine racks. Quite a touch. But my 2 best things about The Sisters in Jordanhill are:

1 All the dark green and gold cushions alond the benches. Really tasteful, and they add a lot to the cosy feel of the place.

2. The table near the kitchen door that has a curved wall round it. It makes it look really private. I must remember to ask for that table, next time a bunch of us drop by.

off the straight and narrow!
by: David

Like your comments! Your Mum sounds a blast!

I had the chicken stuffed with haggis when I visited The Sisters in Jordanhill. Mine also had a whisky sauce over it. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Did you notice the shelves for wine behind the bar? They are all wonky, and the bottles sit in there, at random angles. Very cool indeed. It's all geometry, I know. But that doesn't stop it looking kinda neat.

I'll be back for another meal there before long, let me tell you.

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