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Citizens Theatre Pre-Theatre

for Drama and Fun, Top Eats, Drinks and Stays

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119 Gorbals Street
Glasgow G5 9DS
+44 (0) 141 429 5561 (main)

citizens theatre pre-theatre for top eats and drinks in city
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main activity is play

Citizens Theatre has a strong reputation for bringing a diverse range of plays to Glasgow. From amateur groups, professional players and even youth groups, there's always something of interest going on here.

Really on the south side of the river, 'The Citz' is a mere 5 minute stroll to Merchant City, the city centre and all the fun offer.

For your evening at Citizens Theatre to go with a HUGE bang, have a look at these top places for pre (or post) theatre meals as well as fun and sophisticated drinks. Citizens Theatre pre-theatre dining sounds like a lot of fun...

If you're visiting Glasgow to take in the show at the theatre, excellent nearby places to stay are mentioned for your interest - whatever your budget.

Have a fab time at Citizens Theatre and great experience in welcoming Glasgow...

lively citizens theatre pre theatre...

glasgow sharing with friends at lively pre-theatre

All the energy of your evening at Citizens Theatre might make a more lively meal seem like the best idea. Why not? Citizens Theatre pre-theatre this good can't be beaten...;-)

  • Perched proudly at the top of Princes Square, Barca /Browse/Restaurant/Barca_Tapas_and_Cava_Bar(reveal best table deals?) still makes quite a splash. You might decide to sit in the atrium and share with friends while watching shoppers go about their business. Or maybe you'll dine in the striking main dining room. Whatever you decide for your Citizens Theatre pre theatre, don't forget your cava...;-)
  • Hiding on bustling Hope Street, secret local Italian restaurant La Lanterna /Browse/Restaurant/La_Lanterna(reveal best table deals?) truly knows how to serve excellent Italian cuisine. Very easy to miss indeed, it creates the feeling of dining al fresco in a sunny Italian courtyard - in a basement in Glasgow. What a trick! Enjoy...

intimate citizens theatre pre-theatre...

glasgow smooth and sensual at romantic pre-theatre

You might not know this, but there are some gorgeous places for superior, romantic Citizens Theatre pre-theatre dining in Merchant City...

  • A younger sibling of the Merchant City classic that is the one and only Cafe Gandolfi, top notch cuisine with a focus on fish floats your way at Gandolfi Fish /Browse/Restaurant/Gandolfi_Fish(reveal best table deals?) . Catching the 'Gandolfi' quality service, presentation and feel for amazing cuisine, they keep the standards flying very high indeed here.
  • Equally a Merchant City gem, City Merchant /Browse/Restaurant/City_Merchant(reveal best table deals?) lead the way in the 1980s when this area was restored. Still amazing and winning fans, with its menus that treat diners with best Scottish fish and game, it quite rightly lays claim to a title as a top Merchant City spot.

keeping the party going...

glasgow head-spinning drinks at fun nights out

Merchant City is simply stuffed full of bars ready to help your evening trip the light fantastic! Stroll over the Clyde and lap up the buzz from these gems.

  • The beautiful people and the style crowd all know that the place to be seen in is the laid back Brutti Ma Buoni (tel: +44 (0) 141 552 0001) . The cafe-bar in Brunswick Hotel, its easy charm, cool tunes and funky al fresco tables in a perfectly restored Merchant City street combine to great effect. You'll understand how fab the mood is here, as soon as you arrive.
  • Across the street, and also with some al fresco tables, sits the stately and glamorous Citation (tel: +44 (0) 141 559 6799) . All cool lines, exposed brick work and muted tones, there's lots of space here to have fun times with friends here. And if you feel peckish, the restaurant upstairs knows how to satisfy...;-)

time for a relaxing drink...

glasgow fab cocktail choices at relaxed nights out

Looking forward to your show - or discussing it later with friends - calls for a laid back bar. Merchant City is home to a couple of lovely old 'gents' who fit the bill.

  • Babbity Bowster really does create the feel of a rural country pub. Maybe its the friendly welcome. Or the cute beer garden. Or the roaring fire in Winter. Locals in the know have made this lovely place their own - in the middle of the Merchant City - bliss...
  • If a polished wooden bar, creaking floors and a chat with friends in a little nook sounds like fun, make your way to Rab Ha's (tel: +44 (0) 141 572 0400) . Around for quite a while now, it hides from view, out of sight from bustling Glassford Street. Check out all those lagers and beers on draught... Looks like in might be a late night...;-)

tourist fun...

getting snap happy at glasgow attractions

When visiting a city, its always nice to take in at least one tourist sight. If you're lucky enough to stay in Glasgow when visiting Citizens Theatre, try this out for size...

  • Gallery of Modern Art makes its home on one of the most impressive buildings in Glasgow. Often taking in travelling exhibits, and pieces from professional and amateur artists, you can never be certain what you'll see here. Free entrance means you won't find a better tourist deal, either. Enjoy the wander round here.

sumptuous citz snoozing...

glasgow lap of luxury at top class stays

Glasgow is rightly proud of the quality hotels that have made the city centre home. For top quality nights, you will enjoy the style and service in these hotels...

  • Radisson Hotel /Browse/Restaurant/Collage(reveal best table deals?) (reveal best room deals?) makes a bold statement on Argyle Street. Award winning design combines with excellent service and stylish rooms to create some of the best nights in the city. Enjoy.
  • Round the corner from Radisson Hotel, on bustling Hope Street sits Artto Hotel best room deals?) . Offering chic town house luxury in the shadow of Central Station, the cosy feeling of staying in a lovely little city centre hotel of quality may well suit your taste. Have a fab time...;-)

brilliant budget beds...

glasgow comfort and style at budget stays

In line with the city's well deserved reputation as a very friendly place to visit, it makes sure lovely times are had by all, no matter the size of the budget.

  • Very close to Citizens Theatre, Express by Holiday Inn Riverside best room deals?) looks after guests very well indeed. Comfy rooms and access to just about everything in the city centre and Merchant City make for stays you'll long remember.
  • For those on a keen budget, amazing Glasgow stays come courtesy of Euro Hostel Glasgow best room deals?) . Once part of student halls at University of Strathclyde, stays in the city centre are made a real pleasure here. Excellent value for money and great times await...

sharing is good you you!...

share your story about Citizens Theatre Pre-Theatre

The show is over. The curtains have closed and the applause is no more than an echo...

Had fun? How was your Citizens Theatre pre-theatre meal? Why not keep the memories alive by clicking here and sharing your story. Add a photo if you have one. We'll then publish your very own Top Secret Glasgow pages on the web. For free, naturally.

Then you can impress your friends and family with how much fun you had in Glasgow when you went to Citizens Theatre.

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dining offers

grab a '5pm' offer NOW before they're GONE...

fact files

location, location, location...

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south side sign
119 Gorbals Street,
Glasgow G5 9DS
(nearest cross street:
Ballater Street)

map / route planning

getting there...

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red crossprivate
green tickpublicKing Street (NCP)walk in 10
green tickundergroundBridge Streetwalk in 10
green tickovergroundArgyle Streetwalk in 15


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+44 (0) 141 429 5561

+44 (0) 141 429 0022
(box office)


visit Citizens Theatre website


not available

when is it open?...

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general opening

Opening hours vary, according to performance times.

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