Nearby Braehead ArenaSets Stage for Thrilling Events, Meals & Drinks
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Braehead Arena Braehead Arena stands proud on the banks of the river Clyde, half way between the city's West End and Glasgow airport. It takes only 5 minutes to reach by car via the Clyde Tunnel from the West End. Attracting HUGE stars on world tours, as well as hosting exciting and important sporting events, there's a massive buzz on 'performance' nights. To make sure the quality of your evening stays as high, its vital to choose the right places for fab pre-theatre and drinks with friends. If you're lucky enough to stay in Glasgow as part of your trip to Braehead Arena, getting comfy at bed time is just as important. Since the West End of the city is closest to the venue, here are suggestions about the places that will add to your fun experience, nearby Braehead Arena. lively braehead arena pre-theatre...Getting your evening off to a jumping start with friends is always a cool idea. Making sure you choose the right place can make all the difference.
romantic braehead arena pre-theatre...Maybe you're on a Big Date. If so, choosing pre-theatre with the right amount intimacy will set things up perfectly, nearby Braehead Arena.
party on - with a drink or two...Big events at Breahead Arena often leave you with the need to keep the party going. And why not? The buzz deserves to live a while longer.
a quiet drink and chat...After cheering and jumping around at Braehead, you might be in the mood to take a load off and chat about what you've just seen. Off to the West End we go.
tourist fun...You might find some free time on your hands, either before or after visiting the arena. Why not grab your camera, and head out for some exploring?
sumptuous snoozing...Glasgow's West End has several top hotels to choose from. Staying in Glasgow nearby Breahead Arena, you're going to be pampered...
comfy dozing - on a budget...Well known as one of the most friendly cities anywhere, Glasgow makes sure every visitor has the best of times nearby Braehead Arena. No matter the size of budget...
sharing the memories...share your story about Nearby Braehead ArenaNo doubt the fun and games nearby Braehead Arena lived up to all the great fun you were expecting. With some amazing memories collected, why not share? Tell us your story here and we'll then publish your very own Top Secret Glasgow pages on the web. Add a photo if you have one...;-) Completely free, of course. You can then impress friends and family with the fab times you've had nearby Braehead Arena. Keep coming back for more, Braehead Arena fans... Get the VIP Buzz... ...about Braehead Arena...Great news! Finding this page means you can now join our VIP list for Braehead Arena.
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Braehead Shopping Centre Kings Inch Road, Glasgow G51 4BN (nearest cross street: Mayo Avenue) |
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Be a "Top Secret Glasgow VIP". We are always working on all sorts of new features... the most buzzing events... the "insiders" low-down... the key to the very best of Glasgow. We'll reveal top secrets that many locals don't even know about - often in the shadows of the classics. If you want to be first onto these new top secrets, then just use the simple form below to pass us your email address and first name. We'll be in touch... "confidentially"!